ASI Dreamers Scholarship
About the Scholarship: During spring quarter 2020, the ASI Board of Directors passed a proposal for the ASI Dreamer Scholarship.The scholarship is awarded to undocumented enrolled Cal Poly students that demonstrated campus and/or community leadership through extracurricular activities and achievements. A student does not need DACA to apply.
Scholarship Award: $300/quarter ($900/academic year) Criteria for eligibility:
Major and Class Level: Open full-time enrolled students in any class level
GPA: Minimum 2.5 cumulative Cal Poly
Application Procedure: To apply, use the secure general scholarship application process through the Cal Poly Portal. Refer to the Financial Aid Office for more information. Applications will be identified based on a filed California Dream Act. Questions can be directed to dmedin15@calpoly.edu.

Cal Poly University-Wide and College Based Scholarships
Almost all of Cal Poly university wide and college based scholarships are undocu-friendly. There are only a handful that have federal and or US citizenship requirements. To be automatically considered for Cal Poly scholarships, students should submit a general Cal Poly Scholarship Application. Once they submit an application, students will be invited to apply to additional scholarships based on their eligibility. Almost all of our Cal Poly university wide as well as college wide scholarships are undocu-friendly. There are over 1200 scholarships students apply for when their general Cal Poly scholarships application. To view available scholarships, you can click here.
Application dates for continuing students
March 2nd: Cal Poly Scholarship Application Opens
April 30th: Priority Deadline
February: Application closes
Application dates for new students
September: Cal Poly Scholarship Application Opens. New students will receive an email from the financial aid office.
October: Priority Deadline